Cost of Medicare

Did you know that there are different parts within Medicare? Each part represents a different area of care and will have a great impact on the type of policy that one selects. Understanding the different parts is essential when it comes to picking out the right policy and finding one that works well for you.

Each of the different parts will have its own costs associated with it. While Medicare is intended to provide health insurance and lower the amount that beneficiaries are responsible for when it comes to medical bills, it is not free. There are still costs that beneficiaries are expected to pay out-of-pocket. Being aware of these costs is helpful when doing financial planning for the future, so let’s discuss what these costs are and how you can be prepared for them.

Cost of Medicare

Examining the different costs of Medicare is an excellent way to learn more about this health insurance option. If you’re curious about ways to pay for Medicare, you can make an appointment to discuss that with one of our insurance professionals.


Deductibles are an amount that must be paid yearly before a policy’s full coverage begins. This amount will vary depending on the plan and is expected to be paid by the beneficiary out-of-pocket. Taking your premium into account is one of the best ways to make wise financial decisions, so this is definitely an amount that you want to keep in mind.


Premiums are a monthly amount that must be paid in order to keep your coverage. This amount must be paid whether or not you actually use your health insurance. It’s incredibly important to always pay your premium amount, or you could risk losing your coverage and needing to find another health insurance option.


Coinsurance is the amount that beneficiaries pay out-of-pocket after they’ve reached their deductible. This amount could be a flat fee or a percentage of cost, depending on the service and provider. Keeping coinsurance in mind is incredibly important. Just because you’ve reached your deductible doesn’t mean that all of your medical care is automatically free.


Medigap is supplemental insurance that’s sold through private insurance companies. The goal of Medigap is to lower the amount of costs that beneficiaries have to pay. While Medigap does not provide any additional benefits on its own, it will lower the final amount that must be paid out-of-pocket.

Medigap is only available for those that are enrolled in Original Medicare. This means that Part C, or Medicare Advantage, enrollees do not have access to Medigap. However, they are able to add extra areas of coverage into their policy, so that’s something that should be considered.

Cost of Medicare

Planning for Medicare

Looking at the costs of Medicare doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are different ways to pay for Medicare and it is an exceptional way to save money. If you’re interested in learning more about all the ways that Medicare can benefit you, make an appointment to speak with us today. We’re here to answer your questions and provide guidance.