Special Needs Plans
There are so many different types of Medicare plans and it can be confusing if you’re just starting to do the research. That’s where Catron Insurance Agency can come in!
Special Needs Plans
We will help you learn more about all of the different plan options available and gain a greater understanding of what’s out there. Being aware of different policy options is the only way to be sure that you’re selecting the right policy for you.
Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage, or Part C, is a range of plans that allow beneficiaries to choose some of the coverage that’s provided. Nobody is automatically enrolled in Part C, as it’s the alternative to Original Medicare. If you’re wanting to purchase a Part C policy, then you’ll need to be enrolled in Original Medicare first.
Within Part C are multiple different types of plans. Which type a beneficiary chooses will depend on their medical needs. One of the types of plans offered through Part C are Special Needs Plans.
Special Needs Plans
Special Needs Plans (SNP) are intended only for those with a qualifying diagnosis. SNPs are a broad range of plans, which is to the benefit of the beneficiary. Because there are so many different types of plans, they’re tailored specifically to meet the medical needs of that diagnosis. This means that beneficiaries have access to the services and medical providers that they need.
Choosing a SNP is a great way to save money and gain access to quality healthcare. One of their great features is that they’re required to provide prescription drug coverage. They also will typically ask beneficiaries to select a primary care doctor. This doctor can be a helpful point of contact and also provide the individual with referrals if they need to see a specialist.
Special Needs Plans
Can I Be Enrolled in Both a SNP and Medicaid?
It is possible to be enrolled in both a SNP and Medicaid. This type of policy is called a Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan and is an excellent way to save money while still getting a very wide range of medical resources.
If you think that a SNP could be the right option for you or someone you’re close to, give us a call. We’ll be happy to discuss all of the choices and provide you with some more information. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance when it comes to selecting the right Medicare policy. We understand that it can be confusing, so we’re here to help.